

Content about the sustainability of and
reports on our straw production

NABU: Plastikmüll im Meer (Plastic waste at sea)

"Echte Strohhalme aus dem Gefängnis", (Real straws from prison), article from the Lübecker Nachrichten, 27 June 2018

ZDF Doku planet e.: Der Plastik-Fluch (The Plastic Curse)

"Die Welt ein Stück vom Plastikmüll befreien" (Relieving the world of a piece of plastic garbage), article from Bauernblatt, 28 July 2018

ZDF Heute Beitrag: Natürliche Strohhalme statt Plastik (Natural straws instead of plastic), 7 November 2018

"Strohhalme aus Roggenstroh" (Drinking straws made of rye straw), Deutschlandfunk, 28 May 2018

"Trinkhalme aus Stroh vermeiden Plastikmüll" (Drinking straws made of straw to avoid plastic waste), NDR Info, 28 May 2018

Arte-Film:"Plastik überall" (Plastic everywhere) on arte